To change line length try adding ?preferredLineLength=whatever to the URL

"; $lineLength=0; $tempString=""; $spaceLoc=0; while (!feof($fp)) { // While we haven't reached the end of the file yet $curChar = fgetc($fp); if ($curChar == " ") { $spaceLoc = ftell($fp); } else if ($curChar=="\n") { $currentLoc=ftell($fp); $nextChar=fgetc($fp); if($nextChar=="\n") { print "$tempstring

"; $tempstring=""; $lineLength=0; continue; } else { fseek($fp,$currentLoc); } } $tempstring = $tempstring.$curChar; $lineLength++; if($lineLength>=$preferredLineLength) { $curLoc = ftell($fp); $difference = $curLoc - $spaceLoc; if ($difference == 0) { $tempstring = $tempstring."
\n"; print "$tempstring"; $tempstring=""; $lineLength=0; continue; } else if($difference<$preferredLineLength/4){ /* if the difference is bigger than twenty, sod that, the line will be stupidly far wrapped*/ $tempstring = substr($tempstring, 0, (strlen($tempstring)-$difference))."
\n"; print "$tempstring"; $tempstring=""; $lineLength=0; fseek($fp, $spaceLoc); } else if ($difference >= $preferredLineLength/4) { print "$tempstring -
"; $tempstring=""; $lineLength=0; } } } print "$tempstring

"; ?>