Not so much slang, more a programming language.
I don't want to spend much time talking about it, but suffice it to say that it's an impressive language indeed. 8 commands exist in total, and the C interpretor is three lines long. It's Turing complete, mind you.
So, here's a short program I wrote in it in order to print out the alphabet (capital letters only).
Here's a copy of the Brainf*ck interpretor:
char m[9999],*n[99],*r=m,*p=m+5000,**s=n,d,c;main(){for(read(0,r,4000);c=*r;
Run the alphabet program by first compiling the Brainf*ck interpretor (it's C, so use 'gcc brain.c'), then do something like:
em@typodemon:~% Brain <
You ought to get output like:
I recommend this language to anybody with a sense of humour. It's cute. You can also try the text reversal program.